Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Seven Continues

When the Start game screen appears press X, Y, A, B, X, X.

Skip to Vader

When the Start game screen appears press AXBA YXBA AXBB YX.

Ultimate Power

When the Start game screen appears press ABYX ABYX ABAB YXXY ABYX. If you enter the code correctly, Darth Vader will say "Impressive."
You must start the game before the demo starts.


Enter the Ultimate Power code. When your playing the game press Select, A, B, X and Y on controller 2.

Infinate Detonators

When the Start game screen appears press A, X, B, X, X, A, Y. If you enter the code correctly, Darth Vader will say "Impressive."
You must start the game before the demo starts.

99 Lives

When the start game screen appears press XYBB BXAY YBAX Y. If you enter the code correctly, Darth Vader will say "Impressive."
You must start the game before the demo starts.

Debug Menu

Enter the Ultimate Power code. Press L and R on controller 2.